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Tips to maintain safety of guests during events

As an event manager, your duties aren’t limited to organizing and conducting the event flawlessly. Ensuring the safety of all guests present is also a part of your plan of action. Yet, this is a responsibility many of us overlook or invest minimal time and money in.

As an event manager, your duties aren’t limited to organizing and conducting the event flawlessly. Ensuring the safety of all guests present is also a part of your plan of action. Yet, this is a responsibility many of us overlook or invest minimal time and money in. 

Some recent terror incidents, however, like Manchester Bombings and Orlando Bombing, have proved that security should be a major concern of all event managers. People have become wary of attending mass events, and the organisers must make their events a safe space and assure any attendees of their security. 

Are you unsure about how to go on with arrangements of security for your guests? Here a few tips from Zox International, the top event management company in Chandigarh that might come in handy for you:

Assess any possible risks: The level of security you might have to provide depends on what kind of event it is, and who the attendees are. For example, a pop-star concert requires extra safeguard measures than the birthday party of a 10-year-old. Plan your safety measures based on the requirements of your attendees.

Choose the right venue: While selecting a venue, confirm that it’s situated in a safe locality of your city and is convenient for guests to reach without facing any risks. Double-check the security services provided by the venue in-charge, and ensure that they have surveillance camera facilities.
Your ideal venue should also have multiple exit gates in case an emergency arises.

Guest verification: You’d be surprised by the number of guests who try to attend an event uninvited- especially when there’s free food. Make sure to set up a verification process for people who’re supposed to be present and check their identification at the entrance. This way, mischief-makers will be prevented from entering and creating chaos at your event.

Hire a trained security team: If you don’t already have an in-house security team, consider hiring a trained private security company. Compile a list of guidelines for them, and have a security briefing before the event. Along with increasing the safeguard, it’ll also make your guests feel more comfortable.

Cybersecurity: Many times, we forget about any threats apart from the physical ones. The cyber danger is one such threat. To protect the data, identities, and devices of your guests’ from unwanted parties, you must have a password-protected Wi-Fi service. Also, have an IT person onboard run a security check on your networks to prevent malicious practices.

Develop a plan in case of an emergency: Even after taking all measures to ensure the safety of the event attendees, you can never be 100% sure that an emergency won’t arise. For such possibilities, you should be ready with an action plan to tackle any issue. Some of these plans may include: 
• Safe rooms to accommodate all guests
• Communication of staff during an emergency
• An exit for mass evacuation
• Strategy to handle a harmful intruder

It isn’t possible to eliminate all security threats, but applying them reduces the probability of them happening. Hire Zox International for the best security services of event management company Chandigarh.

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